Diary of PGA Seniors’ Championship by Kitchenaid in St Louis

Diary of PGA Seniors’ Championship by Kitchenaid in St Louis  Final practice round and last opportunity to take photographs/video of the players 1.00 pm: attended interviews by Peter Jacobsen and Tom Watson To hear them talk of all their injuries and surgeries OF JOINTS is painful. HOW can they NOT have injury if neither they […]

‘Transition’ for the ‘traditional’ and ‘minimalist’ golf-swing downswings

What does ‘Transition’ mean? ‘Transition’ is the change in movement from backswing to downswing, so should technically mean the point at which the clubhead reverses direction. All sorts of movements are recommended for a golfer to ‘transition’. Have you heard any of these before? 1. Shift weight back towards target 2. Re-plant your raised left […]

‘Learn MGSS in a Day’

One of the pages on this blog has an ‘learn MGSS in a day’ offer. It helps to personalize MGS – FOR YOU.   All the people who availed of the offer this summer, visited over two days, which was easier for them, in terms of ‘getting it’ as well as not over-taxing the back […]

A request to all those visiting this blog

Hello all visitors to this blog. If you’ve used the MGS successfully and would like to comment, please do so on the ‘testimonials’ section of this blog. The reason is that I have made reference of this blog in my LPGA Teacher of the Year application form, and maybe the people that are supposed to […]

That dreaded SHANK – is NOT MGS!

The Shank and MGS? They’re not related or even good friends! Someone who has been very happy with MGS so far, sent an SOS email to say he was suddenly shanking the ball. It is IMPOSSIBLE to be swinging MGS and making a fade, even, let alone a vicious slice or that dreaded shank. So, […]

Chipping off uneven lies

How should the club approach the ball during a regular chip shot, in order to impart just enough height to to the ball for it to safely clear the green; land; and then run all the way to the hole? (in terms of the ball flight laws – especially path and angle of approach). How, […]

When does a Swing Move change from OBJECTIVE to SUBJECTIVE?

When does a Swing Component stray from Objective to Subjective? Objective, with respect to MGS, means that it works for every golfer, every time, which is fairly easy because the same movements are being recommended to all. Even then, some thoughts/feelings that individuals might have to get themselves into MGS positions might be those that […]

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