Will USA win the 2016 Ryder Cup?

If yes, because of good planning or simply serendipity?

The 41st Ryder Cup matches will take place in the USA starting September 30th. What will Team USA do differently to try to win this event, given that it has only won twice during the past two decades? With Davis Love III back as Captain after 2012, and four pre-eminent golfers as vice-captains – Tom Lehman, Jim Furyk, Steve Stricker, Tiger Woods?

According to Love III, “Tiger and some of the guys were talking about, maybe we need to go somewhere away from golf and go fishing and hang out and just have some fun and talk about it,” said Love III. “…just little things like that. We just want it to be fun and friendly and relaxed when we get there.”

Vice Captain Lehman, when first nominated for the position, was apparently not certain of what would be required of him. He was willing to do whatever it takes, “Whether it be making peanut butter sandwiches or carrying the rain gear or some guys you put your arms around and encourage them.”

Are these plans rather vague for such a high level event? Does Team USA incorporate modern, researched, coaching theories into their repertoire? After all, in the absence of a team coach or social psychologist, surely a Captain can act as a de facto coach?

According to a seminal work, Athlete-centered Coaching: Developing Decision Makers, “Team Culture” is essential for performance. It involves “A team having values, rituals, shared vocabularies, two-way communications, and a feeling of family.” The vision for the team must be mutually created or the athletes must at least buy into an existing vision. Values – commitment and communication – should form the backbone of a team’s actions. The formation of mini-groups within the main team, in which each member has a responsibility for something that benefits the team is a popular concept with coaches in all sports.

Interaction between members; a distinctive, collective identity; and a sense of shared purpose or goal are vital for team cohesion. Team cohesion has two parts to it: task cohesion, for which the group must work together and remain focused to achieve mutual goals; and social cohesion, which involves group members liking one another and enjoying each other’s company.

The book has many chapters dedicated to examples of coaches who have been successful at the international level in other sports, something a golf team can surely learn from. Mainly, the examples show how coaches act merely as facilitators, encouraging the team to form its own vision, plan its values, behavior strategies, and roles and responsibilities for each team member. Each player thus naturally feels an important part of the entity he himself helped to create. One team had their own team song, while another carried gluesticks everywhere. In this latter team, the players had decided their vision would be “B3 – Binding together to Be Better”, and wanted to carry around something physical as suitable symbolism for their vision.

It is surely vital for a team event in what is typically a highly individual sport, to be scientifically planned. One researcher advocates using a simple mathematical formula to understand how effective a group might be:

Actual Productivity = Potential Productivity – Faulty Process Losses

While Team USA has by far the better team on paper, delivering excellent potential productivity, might there be losses suffered through faulty processes? These processes are said to consist of motivational factors and coordination factors. Problems arise when some members in a team are less motivated than the rest of the team; or when there is a breakdown in an individual’s technical attributes or timing.

After the 2014 debacle, the then Captain of Team USA, Tom Watson, had said in response to post-event player-feedback, “I did talk to the players, but my vice-captains were very instrumental in making decisions as to whom to pair with.” Did the team buy into the plans made for them?

Apparently not. Phil Mickelson (who has played in more Ryder Cup matches than any other golfer), in the post-event press-conference reminisced, based on a past success, “There were two things that allowed us to play our best, I think, that Paul Azinger did, and one was he got everybody invested in the process….who they were going to play with, who the picks were going to be, who was going to be in their [practice session] pod, when they would play, and they had a great leader for each pod… he had a great game plan for us, you know, how we were going to go about doing this. How we were going to go about playing together….. if so-and-so is playing well, if so-and-so is not playing well, we had a real game plan.”

Just a few days ago, there was news about Mr. and Mrs. Davis Love III choosing team uniforms. How many uniforms have we all worn that we simply hate and feel uncomfortable in, but are compelled to wear to supposedly represent what we stand for? Should this too not have been a team decision?

Let’s wait and watch to see how the 2016 Ryder Cup unfolds, and what brings about team cohesion in the winning team.

Adapted from my August 2016 article in My Avid Golfer magazine.

The State of Golf and Science

16 years into the 21st Century

The first sixteen years of the 21st Century have shown an exponential growth in how mankind uses science and technology in every field of human endeavor. How about in sport, specifically in golf? Has science and technology been utilized sufficiently to improve the quality of golf of all golfers, from the weekend enthusiast to the best players in the world? We must, of course, first define which aspect of ʻquality of golfʼ we wish to assess, so that such a question can be answered in scientific terms.

Dragging The Golf Swing Into The 21st Century

The golf swing is perhaps the only motion not to have benefitted from 21st century research and scientific progress. How do we know that? All golfers still suffer from inconsistency, and many, from injury. Why?

  • Scientists have only studied isolated swing concepts
  • Many of those concepts are based on how a few “experts” swing

The time has come to reinvent the golf swing, so that any human – and we all have exactly the same joints which are designed to move in the exact same directions – can make the movement easily, repeatedly and optimally. 

It does not matter what is wrong with an individual’s golf swing – many things can be. What matters is creating a movement which is less likely to produce inconsistency (and injury).


The 2016 Byron Nelson – winners and losers


Check out



starting June 10th 2016.

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How the 2016 Byron Nelson event was won

A wet golf course for the play of the ATT Byron Nelson allowed attacking golf and many low scores. For the final round the course was not as wet and the wind picked up slightly, and the chinks in the armor of the leading golfers of the world were completely exposed.

Jordan Spieth who had one of the leading scores over the past 3 days crumbled and dropped to tied 18th. Despite overwhelming crowd support and a magic putter his erratic swing resulted in 6 bogeys and only 2 birdies on the final day as compared to many more birdies per day and being able to contain bogeys to two or less over the first three days. In his own words, Spieth said he made solid swings, was aggressive through the ball and not tentative or hesitant, but he still ended up in tough locations. One of the commentators stated that he needs to do a lot of work on his driver, and another said Spieth could not keep his driver in the fairway nor make the greens but is sure to try to regroup and try for a better run at the Colonial Golf Course, also in his hometown Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex area, next week. Regroup? How? It would be a total crime if this ernest young man is convinced that his decisions were poor or that his putter failed or that his drive will improve with better timing. His swing is flawed mainly because of his physical build, and he urgently needs a swing which can get his trail shoulder into external rotation despite his trail shoulder girdle tightness.

Meanwhile, Brooks Koepka, comfortably in the lead, dropped several shots and in the post-round, post-sudden-death playoff complained that he had to struggle with his swing all week long, which he felt was no way to win an event of this caliber.

The winner, a very deserving Sergio Garcia overcame a four year drought to win his 9th PGA Tour event. He too struggled with his swing, and put two balls in the water. A strong finish and careful golf in the playoff helped him tie Seve Ballesteros’ record of 9 PGA Tour wins by a Spanish born player. When asked whether he felt this victory would help him do better in the big events still to come, including the US and British Opens as well as the Ryder Cup, he replied that he would have to get better in order to continue to win. Better? Has he not yet learned the magic formula after over 17 years of being a professional golfer with vast experience?

Every one of these top golfers then, are scrambling like any amateur, and, what is worse, have no idea of what is wrong when their games fail. The main problem is that none of the most prominent golf swing coaches who train the best players in the world have any idea of the true problem. They merely follow the trend of  ideas which have been passed on down through time, practically like a legacy.

The golf swing cannot be played in a similar “hit or miss” fashion that sports such as baseball batting, cricket bowling or tennis can. Those swings only connect a ball at about hip high, allowing the athlete to reroute as desired during the downswing. In golf, there is no time for a golfer to reroute the backswing, which means that at the top, the golfer MUST be in the positions he needs to use during the downswing, without any repositioning of the body or of individual joints either. So, if the golfer’s trail side is lower at address and at impact, he must maintain those angles throughout the backswing.  Also, he should not expect to always be able to shift weight an indefinite amount to the front foot nor rotate the hips effectively if the trail thigh is higher at the top. So long as golf coaches remain uneducated in every movement science subject, their students, who follow their dictates to the nth degree, will continue to have inconsistent results.

The 2016 PGA of America Show

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If you’re a die-hard golfer and eager to know everything golf – you’re in good company here!

Watch out for all the #GolfScience posts both here and at www.golfbytourmiss.com over the four days of the PGA Show 2016. Lots of exciting snippets will be posted during and after the Show.

Results from Recent Minimalist Golf Swing Research – Part II

Some Exciting Results from Recent Research on the Minimalist Golf Swing – the world’s only anatomically efficient golf swing

Part II

While Part I was data collected using motion capture and force plates, Part II is based on comparing a golfer’s existing swing’s muscle activation patterns with the Minimalist Golf Swing patterns after a single session in the laboratory.

The muscles chosen for Electromyography (EMG) studies were all trail side ones (right-side, as all participants were right-handed): external oblique (EO); pectoralis major (PM), biceps femoris (BF), gluteus maximus (GM) and latissimus dorsi (LD).

While the names do not matter, the role of the 3 main muscles are:

EO rotates the torso; PM and LD pull the upper arm towards the body during the downswing.

Table 1

Calculations were made as a percent change from the pre-intervention to the post-intervention swings. It can be seen from the table that muscle activation of the EO and PM muscles was much higher than the participants’ existing swing during ALL phases of the swing. LD was less during the backswing (it is designed to not have a big role at this time) but contracted much more forcefully during the downswing, especially the early downswing. Thus the MGS is able to increase muscle activation for a more forceful swing. However, feedback from all 12 participants was that the swing felt easier on the body and the follow-through happened effortlessly.




The stretching of the three main muscles during the backswing probably allows them to contract more forcefully without any extra effort on the part of the golfer. At the same time, the MGS’s ‘weight’ which remains slightly forward of center during the back- and down-swings plus the lead hip not being ‘stuck’ allows a much freer through-movement of the swing and ease of follow-through.

Kiran Kanwar

  •   Developer of The Minimalist Golf Swing System -100% scientific, simple and specific
  •   BS (physics, math); MS (sports science, nutrition); PhD (biomechanics – student)
  •   Class A Member: the LPGA, The PGA (GB&I), The NGA of India, The PGA of India

Some Exciting Results from Recent MGS Research Part I

Some Exciting Results from Recent Research on the Minimalist Golf Swing – the world’s only anatomically efficient golf swing

Part I

The two pictures of a golfer wearing reflective markers on the pelvis and arms and standing on force plates represent a view from the target side of a golfer at ‘early downswing’. At this stage, the lead arm (here left arm of a right-handed golfer) is horizontal and the clubshaft (usually) vertical. The red arrows show the quantity and direction of ground reaction force, an indication of how forcefully the golfer can use the ground to push himself off, for eventually better club speed.

The picture on the left is of a golfer with his existing swing, while the one on the right is when he uses the Minimalist Golf Swing, after a single session in the laboratory.

Force plate pic

Research on muscle activation in the typical golf swing states that “At the end of the backswing, the hip and knee are flexed (bent).”  [from Electromyographic Analysis of the Hip and Knee During the Golf Swing by Bechler et al.] Combine that with information from a paper titled “A Review of Biomechanical Differences Between Golfers of varied Skill Levels” (http://multi-science.atypon.com/doi/pdf/10.1260/174795408785024117) which states that, “….recreational golfers demonstrated greater left lateral bending at the top of the backswing, resulting from sliding of the hips away from the target and dropping the left (lead) shoulder toward the ground.”

Together it can be seen that all golfers, to some extent or the other, have a trail hip which is flexed (bent) and at a higher level than the lead hip.

The Bechler et al. paper adds, “Forward swing (early downswing) is initiated as the trail hip begins to extend (straighten out), pushing the hip forward…”. Combine this observed downswing muscle activation pattern with the words of well-known PGA Tour chiropractor (http://www.golfbytourmiss.com/2015/01/a-glut-of-injury-on-the-pga-50-to-75-of-field-visit-physio-van-each-week/), “….many tour players are unable to rotate their lead hip area during the downswing, so have to forcefully power through with the trail-side gluteal muscles.”

It soon becomes apparent that golfers do not have a pure rotation of the pelvis/trunk region during either the back- or the through-swing, but one in which the bent and high trail hip must straighten and become level with the lead hip, before rotation can take place (see pic.  to understand better).

Put pic of hip level at top and early downswing here remove these words

Hence, as seen in the picture of the golfer on force plates on the left, although the right (trail side for this right-handed golfer) side hip is attempting to power through, the left side (as seen by the red arrow pointing vertically upwards) is “stuck” and does not reciprocally rotate. This probably happens during the straightening part of the right hip, at which time the torso has to drop its level down, in order to begin to rotate.

The red arrow through the lead (left) foot is much longer in the golfer’s existing swing, which implies that more force is being exerted by the golfer through that leg. This is a wasted force and probably keeps increasing, not creating any useful motion which might add to beneficial force transfer from the hips to the torso to the arms and finally to the club for a ‘summation of forces’ being passed on to the club.

With the MGS swing, the hips are always level with one-another, and the right trunk never rises during the backswing, so pure rotation begins earlier and is not impeded in any way. Thus, as seen in the force-plates picture on the right, there is a pure rotational force-couple being generated, with one red arrow pointing forward, the other backward.

Kiran Kanwar

  •   Developer of The Minimalist Golf Swing System -100% scientific, simple and specific
  •   BS (physics, math); MS (sports science, nutrition); PhD (biomechanics – student)
  •   Class A Member: the LPGA, The PGA (GB&I), The NGA of India, The PGA of India

Your swing – and Tiger’s – should resemble a modern car

Where Tiger – and YOU – go wrong

Concepts about the golf swing have truly never evolved since the time shepherd boys insouciantly swung their crocks and knocked pebbles into holes. Not in any meaningful, scientific manner. So, although Tiger’s coaches have all been smart folks, none of them has ever dared think ‘outside-the-box’ enough to understand they were teaching a flat-earth philosophy! How so? Let’s compare the golf swing to a nice, solid modern car.

The least any driver of a modern car expects is a smooth ride. So too should your body during your golf swing. At least the car has powerful shock absorbers to dissipate the impulse of a jarring dip. How can your poor ligaments, cartilage, muscles and not to forget spinal discs continue to do this throughout a long golf career?

The lead shoulder is the hub around which your wheel should be moving at impact, with its radius being your lead arm and clubshaft. Imagine you’re driving your car and the axle itself moved side-to-side or up and down. What a horrific ride!

At the same time, the engine that drives your car comprises just a single block housing some moving parts – the entire car does not have to move to power the rotation of a wheel!

Look at Tiger’s hub and his engine, then look at how the Minimalist Golf Swing’s hub stays stable and only the engine creates the motion, not every part of the vehicle moving the golf club!

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Tiger’s hub moves, how can the wheel (ie. clubhead) connect the road (grass) the same way everytime?

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Tiger’s car moves along with the engine – everything that can move does!

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Minimalist Golf Swing – the hub never moves out of place, the engine is contained within a powerful ‘block’ – the pelvis.

Jordan Spieth – An Anatomical Analysis of his Swing

Jordan Spieth

Jordan Spieth – current number one golfer in the world. Great golfer, great human being!

This is an anatomical analysis of his swing, showing how even he can get still better with an anatomical solution.

You would find little of significance to  complain about with regard to his swing, using traditional means of assessment. With good timing, little things like the lead wrist position at the top can be easily undone during the downswing.

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The concept is totally different when looked at from an anatomical perspective, however. At the top, his trail shoulder is internally rotated and his hips are not level – the trail one is higher. Each golfer’s brain will have him undo these positions in any random sequence which is easiest for his body – during the process the world of traditional golf terms ‘transition’.

Jordan’s particular ‘undo’ style is to first drop down his trail trunk till his hips and knees are practically level. From this point, given the flexion of his spine, hips and knees, the hip joints get compressed and cannot rotate as easily as when the golfer stands tall.

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He then rotates his trail leg – thigh, mainly – a pattern often seen in junior golfers, who then typically retain that move for life.

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This push-off can be dangerous for three reasons: 1) whenever the trail thigh is pushed forward rapidly, it naturally takes the trail shoulder forward with it too, sometimes resulting in an over-the-top impact and a slice or a fade. 2) The hips do not have a horizontal-plane pure rotation, so they do not generate as much power-speed as one would expect for an athlete of his stature. 3) The push-forward of the trail thigh is also probably his body’s unique way of undoing the top-of-backswing internal rotation of his trail shoulder. 

The chicken wing in the late follow-through is also an indication of top-of-backswing shoulder internal rotation.

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The partial solutions for Jordan Spieth:

  1. Reduce the inhibition of the serratus anterior, trapezius (especially mid-) and rhomboids so the shoulder blades (scapulae) sit snugly against his thoracic-wall, to slightly help reduce internal trail-shoulder rotation

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  1. Do not push-off with the trail leg, keep the foot grounded until momentum pulls it off.

The complete solution for Jordan Spieth:

1. Use the Minimalist Golf Swing! All joints positioned perfectly at the top for an effective downswing, because with Minimalist the ‘top’ is the top of the downswing, not of the backswing, from which a ‘transition’ is required and is the most common time during which inconsistencies occur.



[By a golf instructor with BS (physics, math); MS (sports science ie anatomy, orthopedic assessment, biomechanics, exercise physiology, exercise testing & prescription, sports nutrition etc.);                             PhD (biomechanics – student).]

Musculoskeletal Anatomy = the study  of the structure and capabilities of individual bones, muscles, joints (mostly at joint/segment level)

Biomechanics = the study of the structure and function (mostly at entire-limb or whole-body level) of living organisms

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Address: Trail shoulder and knee forward of lead side = CANNOT make a PURE rotation of hips/trunk. Also, ANY forward bend of the spine AT ALL prevents pure rotation – an upright posture is more efficient and safer.

[PURE ROTATION is the only body movement which can give BOTH distance and direction through a summation-of-speeds principal. See: http://epublications.bond.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1376&context=hsm_pubs]

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Backswing club parallel to ground: Trail shoulder already in internal rotation (will need a re-route to help club arrive from the inside). Trail pelvis raised (as seen from drop of lead knee), so the hips now cannot rotate into the downswing.

Backswing lead-arm parallel to ground: More shoulder internal rotation, more trail pelvis rise. Downswing squat position already beginning. Such a position only serves to ram the hip ‘socket’ (acetabulum) more firmly onto the ‘ball’ of the thigh bone (femur head).  Once again pure rotation cannot result, the trail hip has to push the body forward to start lower-body motion.

Backswing Top: With a lot of wrist-bend resulting in a horizontal shaft, the golfer must do work against gravity to get the club and hands back to a position of maximum gravitational potential energy. Such a position is a WASTE of EFFORT!

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Downswing lead-arm parallel to ground: From the top of Tiger’s backswing, a lot of wasted effort results in getting the club to this position, which is finally one where his hands and the club are in a position of Maximum Gravitational Potential Energy and can do useful, TARGETWARD WORK (application of force over a distance). 

With the terrific squat maintained at this stage by Tiger (OUCH say his back, hips and knees) hip/trunk rotation will be difficult and/or highly contrived, not natural.

Downswing club parallel to ground: The hips have spun open to a great extent, while the shoulders have stayed closed. Such a position requires exaggerated forward-flexion along with torquing of upper- and lower-spine in opposite directions (not to mention the neck in a third!) and causes a lot of low back issues.

Downswing pre-impact: Each golfer’s brain makes its own most-convenient compensations to allow a reroute-of the trail shoulder from internal rotation and a rotation of the pelvis from a lateral flexion (side-bend). Here, Tiger arches his spine to create space for the trail elbow to straighten in a manner closer to that elbow’s design.

The trail knee juts out, a sign that if the arms were to straighten right now the club would not be delivered sufficiently ‘from the inside’ (see previous post for more on this topic). When the trail knee and thigh are pushed forward so much, the trail shoulder arrives at the ball ‘internally rotated’, as indicated by very rounded shoulders at impact, and thus a ‘BS’ impact. [According to this blog, unless the club arrives well from the inside, a ‘bludgeon’ or ‘smother’ results, not PURE IMPACT see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UosXcURDg0Y]

club arriving from the inside


Impact: The combined length of the lead shoulder and arm at impact is a sign of better utilization of ground-reaction-force and makes a longer lever – some term it ‘going normal’. Both are indications of better distance potential. HOWEVER, from the deep squat that Tiger gets into, there is not enough time to straighten out the torso maximally, so at impact he does not have as much height as he possibly can with a straighter starting posture and less squat-jump (the ‘jump-up’ part needs a very strong and young golfer to accomplish along with everything else a downswing must, within a 1/4 of a second!).

Also, the quantity of motion each body part has, eventually gets transferred to the ball. This ‘quantity’ is termed ‘angular momentum’. In a swing in which the trail shoulder or hip move nearer and further from the position of the golfer’s spine at address, the direction in which the ‘quantity of motion’ acts continually changes, much like spinning top gains wobble.

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In Conclusion

INCONSISTENCY and INJURY BOTH result from both excessive, useless motion AND from poor joint positions. It’s all very well to say ‘move the body thus’ or the ‘let the club do such-and-such’ However, the MIDDLE JOINTS such as the hips, knees, elbows and wrists get badly ‘jammed’ in the process. The 21st Century golf instructor needs a very sound understanding of not just the biomechanics of limb/whole-body structure but also of joint/segment level structure and function.