GRIP. They told you about interlock/overlap/ten-finger. They told you about palm vs finger. They told you where the 'V' for each hand should point, and whether the grip should be 'strong' or 'weak'. They told you which fingers of the left and which fingers of the right should have more pressure on them.
Gary Wiren in his seminal work,
'Laws, Principles and Preferences' talks of the 4 'P's - placement, positioning, pressure and placement.

'Placement' meaning how far up or down the grip the hands are placed. 'Positioning' refers to the clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of the hands (often termed a strong grip if clockwise and weak if counterclockwise). "Pressure' means the amount of squeezing of the hands and 'Precision' means the taking of the same grip each time. The
GRIP represents the first of 14 Principles of his paper, a 'Principle' being a fundamental consideration. 'They' even told you, for goodness' sakes whether your lead thumb should be 'long' or short'. None of this information ever scientifically researched. Just the outpouring of subjective proof by the leading players and teachers. The only thing they never told you in all of this excessive, makes-no-difference information is the relationship between the two arms, the lead arm and the trail arm, with particular reference to the forearms. The Minimalist Golf Swing always positions your trail arm subservient to your lead arm, so that it cannot interfere in the role of the lead arm - to remain the radius of the swing from address to impact and a bit beyond. THUS FORCING the club to arrive at the ball from an INSIDE, SHALLOW angle, and connect the ball on it's inside quadrant and below its equator.