Kiran knows efficiency and power. I won my first mini tour event after working with Kiran. The MGSS is easy on your body and best of all it really works. If you want to enjoy golf and play for years to come, MGSS is for you.

I thoroughly enjoyed learning the Minimalist Golf Swing! It's counter-intuitive at first, and it goes against much of the standard golf swing method, but after only a few sessions I was consistently able to generate the same or better ball speeds and straighter shots (slight draws). Kiran has shown me in a clear and measurable way that there is more than one way to swing a golf club!

I first learned about KK and mgs in my 50th year of pursuing my own golf swing perfection! Between 1985 and 1988 I had a usga handicap between -3 and +1...so I wasn't bad...and I knew golf. I had literally hundreds of instruction books, videos, and had been to a dozen top name instructors. But as I aged and had varied orthopedic problems my game slipped away and I could never play 18 holes without switching swing thoughts and methods a dozen or more times...sound familiar? But when I came across mgs on the internet and you tube...i new my search and desperation was over. I read, viewed, texted,emailed and phoned with Kiran for two years until I finally had 3 days of intensive lessons and practice with her in Nov 2015. I Can and have hit golf balls on the course that i could never have hit with any other method...achieving a shallow from the inside collision with the lower inside rear quadrant of the ball is far more probable than with any other method... And my joints thank me daily for my new mgs swing. If you want the best ball striking, pitching, chipping, sand, and putting possible with a motion that is in harmony with muscle and joint function... Become a minimalist golfer as soon as possible.

I gained 3 basic things from your lessons. First: This swing seems to minimize joint and muscular strains. Second: the ball appears to go further and has a draw, so I need to adjust my initial direction. Third: I now have a routine to confidently get to the correct setup at address. Thank you for your relentless and encouraging sessions

As a result of my lessons on the Minimalist Golf Swing I am now able to hit the ball with a high trajectory. This is after 50 years of hitting a low shot and hoping for a roll out. This is a great feeling of confidence with all my clubs. As I continue to play and practice this swing my distance is increasing and the straight shot accuracy is amazing. I would recommend any senior golfer give this MGS a patient try if you are serious about enjoying golf more.