A review of Tom Watson's newly released 'Lessons of a Lifetime' DVD series.
See the new section 'reviews' in this blog to read all about these 3 DVDs. You'll see the collective wisdom of the best players and teachers of the 70s, 80s and 90s. Also discussed is how some of the instruction imparted is quite scientific, while some is not, especially from an anatomical perspective. Why does science matter? Why does anatomy matter? The answer to the first question is that this IS the 21st Century - why should we settle for subjective, when advances in research have made it possible to be extremely objective about everything we do during the golf swing? When every other sport is basing their movements more and more on what research says? The answer to the second is that no matter whether we're old or young, large or small, male or female, we all have the same skeletal structure, the same muscles and ligaments and joints and they are not capable, as we often believe them to be, of movement in any old direction - regardless of how flexible and strong our muscles are! June 7th, 2014