A great response from Bill. Have replied with useful TO DO thoughts in order to get into the positions suggested by Bill. And a picture from the new MGS-er himself:
Test Your Understanding of MGS Calling all MGS Practitioners. Test YOUR understanding of MGS, and, at the same time, help a rookie MGS-er 'get-it'. Tell this golfer what he should do with his 1. Set-up 2. Backswing to be swinging MGS. Post comments here.

Also, the easiest, most pain-free way to ‘get’ MGS is to have it personalized for you - check the ‘learn MGS in a day’ section of this blog, and visit St Louis this summer to become fully immersed - painlessly - in MGS. OR even become MGS certified, so you can teach as well as swing MGS (for both full-swing and short-game) - see the section on 'get MGS certified'.